Why The Mashiach Ben David Has Not Yet Come

Malachi chapter 3 verse 1 reads: “…the Lord whom you seek [that is the Mashiach ben David] shall suddenly come to [the] Temple”. This means that by the time the Moshiach Ben David shall appear, the third temple shall stand on the Temple Mount.

Why is the temple not yet built on the Temple Mount? Because the Jews do not have a large base of religious fanatics globally who back their claim, like the Muslims do. How can we change this scenario? By finding an halachic way to turn Gentiles into Jews
en masse!
Here is the halachic way we have found: [Click here]
We are working to set up two social media Apps, which we shall call Rapture 1 and  2, to engage the gentile populations across the world for  Jewish 2.0 and Jewish 3.0 projects respectively.
We intend to use these social media Apps to do the following:
identify, communicate, train, schedule for in-person interview, recruit for job placement in the “new society”  and notify for personal or collective evacuation. Learn more about this on our Vision page.
Work with us:
Contact email: chika@jewishmattersoutreach.org
Contribute to finance us:
[Click here]
It is our collective, divine destiny to get the job done. Don’t  be left out!
Together, we must accelerate the arrival of the mashiach!