What Is Reproductive Segregation Protocol? And Why Is It So Important?

Reproductive Segregation is just another word for inbreeding, the act of maintaining a closed gene pool by a population of a species. It is based on  the third scientific principle of the Oral Torah. We call it the Insurance Principle. It is established on the following scientific observations:
1. A gene will be expressed definitely in the next offspring generation, which in this case should be the emergent phase,  if possessed by both parents but not expressed in both parents.
2.) A gene will undergo genetic silencing in all subsequent generations, if possessed by one parent but not  expressed. Here are two recent findings that support this point : [1]and [2].
Conclusion: this means that for newly evolved gene to become expressed in an offspring generation (the emergent phase), it must be possessed by both parents, even though unexpressed in both parents.
And this means that factors that promote genetic diversity can truncate genetic evolution at the emergent phase. Hence, reproductive segregation, which is anti-genetic-diversity, prevents permanent genetic silencing, a term that means complete truncation of biological evolution at the emergent phase.
The Third Principle of the Oral Torah
 Jews are instructed to observe what is best described as the Reproductive Segregation Protocol or an Anti-Genetic-Diversity Agenda. The written Torah contains several verses that allude to this, and critics have used these verses to label Jews as racist for generations (Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 3; Nehemiah chapter 13 verses 23 to 25) . Moses was only putting emphasis on an instruction that was originally part of the Oral Torah.
The importance of this instruction is now obvious: it was given to insure or guarantee evolutionary progress, as it prevents the truncation of evolution at “the emergent phase”.
Evolution progresses, stagnates or go to extinction depending on how much time different populations of a sexually reproducing species are reproductively segregated from one another or how much time they interbreed.
Today, it is imperative that the non-orthodox factions of Judaism come to know this scientific fact and adjust their stance with respect to inter-marriage accordingly. This also applies to the Jews from Africa and Russia that made Aliyah to Israel in recent times. The very essence of the Reproductive Segregation Protocol  is to preserve progresses made over so many generations that are hidden in the old matrilineal generations—the mitochondria remains chiefly maternally inherited.
The good news is that we can do so, while, at the same time, allow new matrilineal generations to start from ground zero by creating new Jewish societies , with individuals not only from Israeli populations without Jewish matrilineal history, but also from Gentile populations who are ready to adhere to the Reproductive Segregation Protocol and ready to dedicate their offspring to this cause.
Reproductive segregation is one of the three doctrines of semitism and one of the three instructions of the Oral Torah.
This science was well understood by the aliens that interacted with the Sumerians and the Hebrews in the past. Therefore, we refer to our findings as a “rediscovery” rather than a “discovery”. And throughout human history, aliens have sought to communicate this information to humanity. This is because in order to evolve beyond the present human class of Homo sapiens, it is mandatory to put this science to work. 
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