The Jewish Population Problem—the Major Problem of the Jewish People—And the Solution
What is the Jewish Population Problem? Here is the answer:
Islamic Fundamentalists undermine the existence of the Jewish State and abhor plans to annihilate the Jewish people because they are of a small population— just 0.2 percent of the world population— and because Israel’s existence and survival as a Jewish State, from creation to date, depends on the support of the United States of America.
The fact is, such a small population is a limiting factor with respect to Israel’s rise to become the number one global superpower, free of its dependence on the United States of America.
The Main Cause of the Conflict Between Jews And Palestinians
The resurface of a Jewish State on defunct British Palestine is interpreted by many Islamic scholars as a challenge to the replacement theology embedded in the Quran. According to this version of replacement theology, just like some Christians also have their own version, God destroyed the nation of Israel and established Islam in its stead. Muslims are therefore the modern “people of God”, whom God had chosen to replace the ancient Israelis. This is why most Islamic authorities and most of the Arab World, even though they openly declare that they support a two-state solution, covertly back the Palestinians in their demand for the total expanse of defunct British Palestine, from the river to the sea, kicking against the existence of a Jewish State, no matter how small— because it is perceived, perhaps rightly so, as a challenge to the veracity of the Quran!
Therefore, the best assessment of the situation is this: Jews are locked in a covert war with most of the Islamic World— for no reason other than the fact that they exist. The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are only acting as a front for the “larger part” of the Muslim World, and the entire Muslim World is more than 2 billion people.
That is why HAMAS can declare that they have recruited soldiers to replace those they have lost, even before the end of the war.
It is better to confront this reality head on, than to bury the head in sands.
Why The Two-State Solution Is Unfair Yet Highly Supported By the West
Jordan is an ethnic Palestinian State founded on a part of what used to be called British Palestine. Therefore the demand for another ethnic Palestinian State by the Arab Palestinians is nothing but a demand for a second Palestinian State. That is unfair to the Jews, but the Jews are undermined because of their small population.
Why The Mashiach Ben David Has Not Yet Come
Malachi chapter 3 verse 1 reads: “…the Lord whom you seek [that is the Mashiach ben David] shall suddenly come to [the] Temple”. The keyword in the last statement is “suddenly”. This means that by the time the Mashiach Ben David shall appear, the third temple shall stand on the Temple Mount.
Why is the temple not yet built on the Temple Mount? Because Israel, standing alone, is not a military threat to the Muslim world. And Israel’s allies will never support Israel’s decision to reconstruct the Al Aqsa mosque into the third temple because the Muslims have a large population worldwide.
The Jewish Population Problem
Today, Jews are only about 0.2 percent of the world population, about 15 million people. Muslims are more than 24 percent of the world population—more than 2 billion people.
So far, political ties with the United States, which has the strongest military in the world, has proved very effective and served as a deterrence against a full blown Jewish-Islam war. But the United States is a democratic nation— the support of the United States largely depends on the opinions and ideology of the president and his advisers. The political landscape changes every four to eight years. For instance, consider US withdrawal of support for Ukraine in the war against Russia.
Israel can be considered very lucky from 1948 to the present Trump administration. And the Trump administration is a geniune friend to Israel. But the fact still remains that we cannot guarantee a hundred percent support for Israel perpetually, beyond the Trump administration.
The solution is this: Israel must seek to develop the most powerful military in the world, so that it can independently deter a full blown Jewish-Islam war. And the only way we can do that is to pursue the acquisition of amilitary might which can serve as a deterrence to all the combined forces of our adversaries, even without the help ofour allies.
This is the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Sooner or later, robots will be deployed as combatants on battlefields. Nevertheless, it costs money to make sophisticated A.I. robots. Therefore, the richest economies in the world will emerge as the ones with the most powerful military.
And the best way to build one of the largest economies in the world is to assemble one of the largest population, though not necessarily the largest population.
For example, the United States has one of the largest national population in the world— not the largest. Nevertheless, its greatness is tied to its population because population and a great economy are like a mother and her child. And without a great economy, no nation can rise to become an independent military superpower.
For the same reason, China has used its population as a leverage to become a global superpower. But countries like India, the country with the largest population in the world, and Nigeria, the largest black nation in the world, has failed to leverage on their very large populations because their populations are fragmented by diverse ethnicities and diverse religions. We can avoid the pitfalls.
The idea described [here] is based on the Halacha, and it solves the Jewish Population Problem. It is the road to Israel’s rise to become “the” global superpower.
And only then will one from the lineage of David be reinstated on the throne as the Mashiach Ben David. And Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4 shall be fullfilled: “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people”. This can only be so when Israel becomes the World Number One Superpower. Because only in that Era will our adversaries “beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks”. Under our watch, “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
In other words, the scripture says that when Israel becomes the World Number One Superpower, Israel shall guarantee global peace.