Rediscovering the Advanced Evolutionary Science Extraterrestrials Know And Used to Fast-Track the Evolution of Neanderthals 45,000 Years Ago:The Scientific Principles That Portray the Logic Beneath the Oral Torah

In an earlier article titled, “Aliens’ Attempts To Communicate A Scientific Information To Humanity”, we discussed how aliens had contacted the Sumerians and the Hebrews in ancient times and had strived to leave a lasting cultural impact on human civilizations. Today, we have discovered the scientific nature of this culture and why it is necessary. These findings cut across several disciplines: Evolutionary Biology, Cytogenetics and Quantum Physics.


Before natural selection can take place, there must exist organisms within a population with a new beneficial trait. And as such kind of traits accumulate with time, they would distinguish the group from others. Sometimes, as postulated by Charles Darwin, two groups of organisms within a population might evolve different beneficial traits (This is what Darwin called the Principle of Divergence), which would confer on the two groups a competitive advantage against a third group that did not evolve any beneficial trait.
There is always this third group that is left behind— this is the group of organisms that did not evolve any beneficial trait,  yet they lived in the same environment as other groups and they all constituted the same species, once upon a time.
Darwinian principles do not describe why and how certain organisms could evolve a new beneficial trait; while during the same course of time, organisms of another group could not evolve any new beneficial trait, not even a different beneficial trait, which is in accordance with Darwinian Principle of Divergence. Yet all the groups lived together  as a population in the same environment and constitute the same species, before they became completely different from one another over evolutionary time.
After many generations, the group without any beneficial trait disappears. This is natural selection.
The big question is why did two groups developed beneficial traits, when, during the same course of time, the third group did not?
We have found that to invoke chance to explain this phenomenon is blatantly an act of ignorance.
The brilliance of Darwin’s work lies in the fact that it describes how beneficial traits accumulate with time to distinguish descendant organisms from their ancestors;  not why the traits are able to develop in some descendants and not in other descendants that hitherto belong to the same population and the same species. Yet, this is a condition that must be met before the mechanism of natural selection can even swing  into action, conferring favor on those organisms that have evolved new beneficial traits, and condemning to extinction those organisms that do not evolve beneficial traits.
After years of experimentation and research, we have finally obtained the answer to this very important question:
There are general principles of evolution— general because they apply to both sexually and asexually reproducing organisms. In the evolutionary timeline, asexual reproduction appeared first. The first sexually reproducing organisms originated from asexually reproducing organisms. All sexually reproducing organisms today originated from the earlier sexually reproducing organisms and all the way down to asexually reproducing organisms. But from the time the first sexually reproducing organisms appeared, there are certain principles applicable to their evolution, going forward. These principles are what we call basic principles of evolution. They are unlike Darwinian principles of evolution that are applicable to both sexually and asexually reproducing organisms. Therefore, we conclude that Darwin’s two principles of evolution, namely the Principle of Natural Selection and the Principle of Divergence, are general Principles.
We have discovered three basic principles of evolution, and we summarized them below:

The First Basic Principle of  Evolution: The  DNA Unitarity Principle (the Acquired Mitochondrial DNA Unitarity Condition)

This principle reminds us of Schrödinger’s Quantum Unitarity Principle, which is one of the principles that make up the foundation of Quantum Mechanics. As we stated earlier, this principle is essential for the continuation of  evolution in sexually reproducing organisms. The story is similar from one species of sexually reproducing organisms to another. But let us see how it applies particularly to humans.
In humans, the female egg cell, called primary oocyte, stops all development and becomes dormant in female fetus several months before the female child is born. Then at puberty, the egg cell  resumes development, after receiving stimulation from hormones. But during the dormant or arrested period,  several or  many of the  mitochondria of  MOST  of  the egg cells (primary oocyte)  have  undergone natural decay or decomposition. They leave behind spaces within the cytoplasm of the egg cell. Let us call these spaces mitochondrial holes. These holes break up the mitochondrial network (each of the mitochondrion of a viable cell is connected together to form a network). For the egg cell to function properly, these holes must be filled up with something that can act as a bridge for the mitochondrial network.
Nature fixes this problem by making use of mitochondria that are acquired from immature sperm cells in the semen donated by a male sex partner or several male sex partners. The semen contains both mature and immature  sperm cells. A mature sperm cell has mitochondria with no mitochondrial DNA. But it is a mature sperm cell that fertilizes a mature egg cell. An immature sperm cell has mitochondria with mitochondrial DNA, and cannot fertilize a mature egg cell. That is why male infertility is linked to sperm cells with abundance of mitochondrial DNA. As immature sperm cells develop into maturity, they lose their mitochondrial DNA.
All  the mitochondria in the cytoplasm of the egg cells are interconnected into a network, and work synergistically. The mitochondrial holes break this network.However, after the fill-up process, the holes are bridged. The result is that the networks are restored.
There are three problems:
1.) This fill-up process takes  place sporadically amongst the primary oocytes and the process continues until menopause. In other words, it could take up to about 45-50 years ( just before the age of menopause) for a particular primary oocyte to become completely filled up, since the process is sporadic or random—not in a serial order. Yet, until the fill-up process is completed, a primary oocyte cannot graduate into a viable secondary oocyte.
2.)The mitochondria acquired from semen often have compromised walls. This is because they have narrowly escaped biochemical break down by the acidic pH of vaginal fluid as it crosses the female reproductive tract. As they cross the reproductive tract, their protective walls become porous due to biochemical interactions.
3.) Nature selects mitochondria that are derived from immature sperm cells. In other words, these mitochondria have what is called mitochondrial DNA. But going forward, we shall call it mitochondrial DNA bundle for reasons that will be made clear shortly.
First of all, a mitochondrial DNA is best called a mitochondrial DNA bundle because it consists of the  DNA itself ( which always carry a negative charge) and protein sequences called genetic codes that are attached to the  DNA. Each of these proteins may carry a positive charge or a negative charge or a neutral charge. The charge of each protein  depends on the PH level in the mitochondria. This means that, together, all the proteins have a Net Charge. In the same vein, the DNA which is negatively charged, and all the proteins that are attached to it which together generate a Net Charge, collectively,  generate a Gross Net Charge. Therefore, we conclude that the mitochondrial DNA bundle has a Gross Net Charge. And the Gross Net Charge of a mitochondrial DNA bundle may be positive, negative or neutral.
Every mitochondrial DNA bundle from the same source, that is from the same male sex partner, has the same Gross Net Charge. But  a pool of mitochondrial DNA bundles from different sex partners will consist of mitochondrial DNA bundles of varying Gross Net Charges.
Usually, the Gross Net Charge of a mitochondrial DNA bundle is shielded from the surroundings by the wall of the mitochondrion. But acquired mitochondria often come with compromised walls because semen undergo degradation as they travel through the female reproductive tract.
This DNA bundles are present inside the mitochondria found in the immature sperm cells in the semen of male sex partners. And these mitochondria types are naturally selected to fill up the mitochondrial holes in  primary oocytes.
Electrostatic Interactions
(a) When the mitochondrial holes are filled up with mitochondria acquired from the same source, that is, the same sex partner, electrostatic repulsions occur inside the cytoplasm of the egg cell, as the acquired mitochondrial DNA bundles repel themselves due to the compromised walls of the mitochondria that house them. Electrostatic repulsion takes place because all the acquired mitochondrial DNA bundle inside the acquired mitochondria contain the same Gross Net Charge.
This electrostatic repulsion maintains order in the cytoplasm. This order is required for evolution to proceed constructively inside the cell throughout the lifetime of an offspring produced from that egg cell.
(b) When the mitochondrial holes are filled up with mitochondria  acquired from different sources, that is, from different sex partners, electrostatic attractions may occur inside the cytoplasm of the egg cell,  as acquired mitochondrial DNA bundles do attract themselves inside the cytoplasm of the egg cell when they have opposite Gross Net Charges.
This leads to disorder in the cell, as it disrupts and truncates biological evolution inside the cell throughout the lifetime of the offspring produced from that egg cell.
These electrostatic attractions produce “mobile” genetic materials within the cytoplasm, otherwise called transposable elements or transposons.
In summary, mitochondria from semen of male sex partners  are used to fix the mitochondrial holes in primary oocytes (which are formed as a result of degradation during the arrested stage of egg cycle) so that  they can become viable secondary oocytes. When the mitochondria used for these purposes come  from several male donors, it is  most likely that a problem  will arise. Electrostatic attractions of opposite charges that emanate from the acquired Mitochondrial DNA bundles inside the acquired mitochondria within the cell lead to genetic instability and disruptions in the egg cell, and this will  continue to occur throughout the lifespan of the organism that is reproduced from that egg cell.
Mitochondrial DNA bundle in undamaged mitochondria in the primary oocytes are shielded from all electrostatic activities within the cytoplasm by the mitochondrial wall. However, electrostatic attraction and repulsion  occur  amongst the  acquired mitochondria  in the cytoplasm because they often come with compromised walls.
Caveat: Primary oocytes that do not undergo damage during the arrested stage will develop into secondary oocytes during puberty. However, the evolutionary state of the offspring produced from the secondary oocyte solely depends on the evolutionary contribution of the maternal father and the maternal mother, whose sperm and egg combined to form the germ cells that developed into the primary oocytes in the first place. Since the mitochondria within the oocytes are all walled (undamaged), electrostatic activity is null within the cytoplasm of the cells of the offspring produced from such oocytes. Therefore, evolution will proceed constructively throughout the lifetime of the offspring.
The First Principle of the Oral Torah
There was a time in ancient Sumer when people practiced  what could be described as Reproductive Fidelity. It is one of the three cultural practices that constitute the culture we could call “semitism”, traceable to the early Sumerians. It is a cultural practice that required a female  to keep to only one male for  all sexual activities from the age of virginity until she decided not to bear offspring any longer. This practice was inherited by the Hebrew women, most particularly the women of the Levitical tribe, because this teaching was incorporated into the original Oral Torah handed down to the Hebrews from Abraham who originated from Sumer. Particularly, it was emphasized in the Written Torah for the priesthood tribe, that is, the tribe of Levi. [Read Leviticus chapter 21 verses 13,14 and 15; Hosea chapter 1 verses 2 to 6.] However, it was meant for all the tribes [Matthew chapter 19 verses 8 and 9].
Reproductive Fidelity is one of the instructions of the Oral Torah.
It was a cultural practice among the early Sumerians. However, it was rejected  by  the latter Sumerians because they considered it too much of a burden to bear, and they despised their predecessors for procreating in line with such a stringent rule.
This revolt is well documented—albeit, as an allegory—in Sumerian writings discovered in contemporary times. According to the legend, the latter Sumerians rebelled against “forced labor”  which was being enforced by the Annunakis, those “who from heaven came”.
What the latter Sumerians did not understand is that the Annunakis were trying to fast-track human biological evolution through certain cultural practices like the one mentioned above—reproductive fidelity.
Note: There are DNA bundles  inside the mitochondria found in the immature sperm cells in the semen of male sex partners. And these mitochondria types are naturally selected to fill up the mitochondrial holes in  primary oocytes that are damaged during the arrested stage of their developmental cycle.These DNA bundles carry charges. And because acquired mitochondria often have compromised walls, electrostatic activities occur inside an  egg cell and continues to happen throughout the lifetime of an organism formed from the egg cell. These electrostatic activities can either promote or truncate genetic evolution, depending on certain conditions  that are determined by the species. Therefore, these conditions are under the control of the species. 

The Second Basic Principle of Evolution:The Metamorphic Principle

There are two types of DNA bundles —the nuclear DNA bundle, which is found in the nucleus of the cell; and the mitochondrial DNA bundle, which is found in the mitochondria. Also, the nuclear DNA bundle has both coding and non-coding parts. The coding part determines the nature of the species, and it changes to give rise to new species.
The big question is how?
From our research, we have discovered that there are two types of nuclear DNA metamorphosis:
a.) the Exclusive Nuclear Metamorphosis, which governs epigenetic evolution; and
b.) the Mitochondrial-Dependent Nuclear Metamorphosis, which governs genetic evolution.
First of all, we must remember that the DNA is the skeletal structure or backbone of the DNA bundle. Usually, when people talk of the DNA, they are referring to the the skeletal structure and the proteins that attach themselves to it. For us, that is not the DNA but the DNA bundle. There occurs other  attachments to the DNA apart from the proteins, vis-a-vis biochemical structures like methyl that attach themselves to the proteins. These biochemical materials that attach themselves to the proteins alter the ways the genes express themselves, resulting in the emergence of a new class of traits—epigenetic traits.
Just as there are two types of traits,  genetic and epigenetic, there are two types of biological evolution: genetic and epigenetic. However, the two types of evolution do not occur the same way. For example, epigenetic evolution occurs when new biochemical structures  attach themselves to the proteins, which themselves are attached  to the nuclear DNA—which is the backbone structure. This process can take place in a lifetime such that the result is not only expressed in the organism, but also inheritable and expressed in the next offspring generation. This is because epigenetic evolution takes place exclusively within the coding part of the Nuclear DNA bundle in the nucleus. That is why we call it Exclusive Nuclear Metamorphosis—these changes occur exclusively inside the nucleus.
Genetic evolution is another story. Genetic evolution takes place when new protein chains are generated within the nuclear DNA bundle. And when it happens, a slight change in the protein  sequence can result in a significant observable characteristic.
But unlike epigenetic evolution, genetic evolution does not occur within a generation. We found out that genetic evolution begins in the mitochondria and continues there for hundreds or even thousands of generations, with no result to show as an observable character or trait. Afterwards, it emerges as an expressed trait within one  generation down the line, after the mitochondria had communicated changes in the protein sequences  to the nucleus. Therefore, we call it Mitochondria-Dependent Nuclear Metamorphosis.
Unlike epigenetic evolution, genetic evolution occurs in two phases:
(a) the hidden phase (which lasts for hundreds or thousands of generations), and
(b) the emergent phase, in which the genetic trait becomes expressed. The emergent phase takes place within one generation down the line. In other words, the hidden phase occurs over hundreds or thousands of generations in the mitochondria. But the emergent phase occurs within one generation in the nucleus, with materials generated from the mitochondria.
A Caveat: Genetic And Epigenetic Evolution Versus Macro- and Micro-evolution
We can not invoke the fact that there exist both genetic and epigenetic evolution to justify Yuri Filipchenko’s concept of micro-evolution and macro-evolution because the results of both types of evolution add up together with time (in accordance with Darwin’s two principles, the Principle of Natural Selection and the Principle of Divergence) to distinguish an organism or a group of organisms from their ancestors. Therefore, the terms “micro-evolution” and “macro-evolution” cannot  be suitably attributed to one or the other of genetic or epigenetic evolution.
This leads us to the second basic principle of  evolution: Genetic evolution (changes within the protein chain itself ) chiefly takes place in the mitochondrial DNA for hundreds or thousands of generations,   after which these changes are communicated to the coding part of the Nuclear DNA (the nuclear DNA bundle have both a coding part and a non-coding part);  it does not take place exclusively  in the coding part of the Nuclear DNA. In fact, only the emergent phase of genetic evolution takes place in the nucleus.
Genetic evolution, which leads to upgraded or novel  protein chains, called genes, takes place over hundreds or  thousands of  generations hidden or unexpressed in organisms because they occur chiefly within the mitochondria.
During the emergent phase, materials transported from the mitochondria are used to generate new exon (coding) layers  that displace the old ones into intron (non-coding) layers within the protein chain in the nucleus. These materials have been in the making over hundreds or thousands of generations—a timeline we call “the hidden phase”. This is why we refer to genetic evolution as Mitochondrial-Dependent Nuclear Metamorphosis.
And it explains a formerly unknown process of evolution; we call it “Evolutionary Reproductive Replacement”—the process by which a new species “suddenly” emerged from an earlier one by sexual reproduction, after hundreds and thousands of generations of evolutionary development within the mitochondria—what we call the “hidden phase”. For instance, it explains how modern humans appeared “suddenly” from  Neanderthal lineages across Europe and Asia ; and within 6000 years, they have completely replaced their Neanderthal parents.

The Second Principle of the Oral Torah
One of the principles of the Oral Torah is called the Kashrut. It is incorporated into the Written Torah by Moses [Read Leviticus chapter 11].  This principle explains the  scientific basis of the Kashrut because it answers the question:  Why are there Kosher (dietary) Laws ?”

The Third Basic Principle of Evolution: The
Insurance Principle 

At this point, we present to you the third basic principle of  evolution that we have found. As we stated above, we call it the Insurance Principle. This principle guarantees that there the emergent phase of evolution will occur. It says :
1. A gene will be expressed definitely in the next offspring generation, which in this case should be the emergent phase,  if possessed by both parents but not expressed in both parents.

2.) A gene will undergo genetic silencing in all subsequent generations, if possessed by
one parent but not  expressed. Here are two recent findings that support this point : [1]and [2].

Conclusion: this means that for newly evolved gene to become expressed in an offspring generation (the emergent phase), it must be possessed by both parents, even though unexpressed in both parents.
And this means that factors that promote genetic diversity can truncate genetic evolution at the emergent phase. Hence, reproductive segregation, which is anti-genetic-diversity, prevents permanent genetic silencing, a term that means complete truncation of biological evolution at the emergent phase.
The Third Principle of the Oral Torah
 Jews are instructed to observe what is best described as the Reproductive Segregation Protocol or an Anti-Genetic-Diversity Agenda. The written Torah contains several verses that allude to this, and critics have used these verses to label Jews as racist for generations (Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 3; Nehemiah chapter 13 verses 23 to 25) . Moses was only putting emphasis on an instruction that was originally part of the Oral Torah.
The importance of this instruction is now obvious: it was given to insure or guarantee evolutionary progress, as it prevents the truncation of evolution at “the emergent phase”.
Evolution progresses, stagnates or go to extinction depending on how much time different populations of a sexually reproducing species are reproductively segregated from one another or how much time they interbreed.
Today, it is imperative that the non-orthodox factions of Judaism come to know this scientific fact and adjust their stance with respect to inter-marriage accordingly. This also applies to the Jews from Africa and Russia that made Aliyah to Israel in recent times. The very essence of the Reproductive Segregation Protocol  is to preserve progresses made over so many generations that are hidden in the old matrilineal generations—the mitochondria remains chiefly maternally inherited.
The good news is that we can do so, while, at the same time, allow new matrilineal generations to start from ground zero by creating new Jewish societies , with individuals not only from Israeli populations without Jewish matrilineal history, but also from Gentile populations who are ready to adhere to the Reproductive Segregation Protocol and ready to dedicate their offspring to this cause.
Reproductive segregation is one of the three doctrines of semitism and one of the three instructions of the Oral Torah.
This science was well understood by the aliens that interacted with the Sumerians and the Hebrews in the past. Therefore, we refer to our findings as a “rediscovery” rather than a “discovery”. And throughout human history, aliens have sought to communicate this information to humanity. This is because in order to evolve beyond the present human class of Homo sapiens, it is mandatory to put this science to work. 


Modern Day Scientists mostly accept the notion that inbreeding, or maintaining a closed Gene pool, promotes the spread of genetic diseases within a given population. We challenge this view because our scientific researches show that the culprit is the violation of the first basic principle— the DNA Unitarity Principle—not inbreeding, which guarantees a closed gene pool.
If the DNA Unitarity Principle is not violated in the first place, genetic diseases will not occur. Although promoting genetic diversity as a solution to ameliorate or curb the spread of genetic diseases may be necessary, we must not ignore the root cause of the condition.
We observe that evolution can  produce traits that may be beneficial, non-beneficial, or even destructive to the species as a whole. Viral transposons , genetic diseases and LGBTQ+ traits are all traceable to disruptive mutations in the cell.  As we have explained earlier, these kind of mutations are caused by electrostatic attractions in the cell as a result of the presence of mitochondrial DNA bundles that originate from several donors. In other words, viral  transposons, genetic diseases and LGBTQ+ traits emerge in the population due to the violation of  the Unitarity principle.

The inability to naturally reproduce is a characteristic associated with the LGBTQ+ group. As the population of this group increases, the rate of increase of the human population will decrease. According to statistics, 10 to 20 percent of the world population belongs to the LGBT+ group. And the number is on the rise. There would come a time when the LGBT+ group would become the majority ( this is just a matter of time), if the matter is not addressed with utmost urgency.
That is the tipping point.
Human population would begin to decline. Eventually, again, this is just a matter of time, humanity would become extinct.
This is Nature’s  biological route of causing the extinction of species, apart from catastrophic geological or astro-geological event, or Darwin’s economic model (competition for scarce resources).
The LGBTQ + traits,  though genetic, are  a bunch of traits dangerous to the species as a whole because they together trigger Nature’s  biological mechanism of bringing about the extinction of a species. Like many genetically related diseases, they are traceable to the lack of order within the cytoplasm of the cell, leading to destructive mutations and the formation of viral transposons. Some viral transposons may seem to confer some benefits in the short term; but generally in the long term, viral transposons are destructive to the species as a whole.
In as much as we love and defend the LGBTQ+ communities  because we believe they have the right like everyone else to live happily and deserve no stigmatization, we believe it is crucial that we look into the very cause of these genetic traits and work to ensure that such population in the future will be on the decline.
Fighting  Climate Change is deemed very  important to human survival in the long term, as Climate Change is considered an existential threat to humanity. Similarly, the Unitarity Principle Violation could result in the extinction of Homo sapiens on earth—It is just a matter of time.
Therefore, we advocate that it should be treated as seriously as Climate Change.
The world needs to know that humanity, as a species, can go extinct as a result of continual violation of the Unitarity Principle. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as the world ignores the massive impact of the violation of the Unitarity Principle.
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