The Gospel of “Jesus Christ” According to Lucifer
First of all, we need to understand how it all began.
Evolution, Angels And War
About 5 billion years ago, before the earth was formed, aliens—angels or elohim (just another word for angels; the singular is eloah)— have evolved into perfect beings. They have evolved from the smallest life forms into sophisticated beings that can roam the entire multiverse and live anywhere they want within it. This astounding beings live in unity.
And in those days, they had one leader. His name? Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, or Ehyeh for short. He was the king of all the elohim for a long time—and a priest.
The angels had a religion. We shall discuss more about this as we go on.
One day, a powerful Angel, Lucifer by name, staged a rebellion against the king, and angels were divided into two ideological camps. The kingship followed suit—it was divided into two: the Southern kingdom constitutes angels who remained loyal to Ehyeh; and the Northern kingdom emerged, the Kingdom of Lucifer.
Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 reads: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels…..”
Pause there. Do not read verses 8 and 9 yet. The truth? Verses 8 and 9 did not happen until recently. In fact, as at the time John, author of the book, received the ‘revelation’ he penned down, verses 8 and 9 were prophetic. We shall shed more light on this as we go on.
Lucifer said, “I shall go to the North….I shall be like the Most High” [Isaiah 14 verses 13 and 14].
And that was exactly what happened—the rebellion was successful.
The word “like” indicates that, prior to the rebellion, there was one whose title is, “the Most High”. And that is no other, but the King of all the Elohim before the rebellion. Like we stated before, the word “elohim” simply means “angels”.
This is contrary to the conventional teaching that Lucifer fell down from the Heavens long time ago, long before “Adam and Eve”. The truth is that it was a successful rebellion—angels were subsequently divided into two ideological camps, and a new kingdom emerged beside the other.
This was exactly Lucifer’s intention. This was why he spearheaded the rebellion.
You may want to ask? If it was so, why was it not written so in the Bible. Ah, it is there! You just did not understand it.
Isaiah, chapter 14 says he did not suffer defeat until recently. We shall elaborate more on this as we go on.
The Cause of the War
The war was caused by a dispute as regard the concept of God.
First of all, angels were not in dispute whether the multiverse was created or whether it evolved into existence, without any conscious or intelligent entity directing the events. Even if there was no conscious or intelligent entity directing the events, the events themselves could be programmed, like a computer software, by a conscious or intelligent entity. Even if the events were not programmed, everything in the multiverse is made of Energy, and they could not have emerged out of nothing.
Because angels know long before humans emerged on earth that all things consists of energy, and “energy can neither be created nor destroyed.” Energy can only be transformed from one form to another. Before the multiverse, therefore, there must be in existence a most basic form of Energy from which the multiverse emerged.
Secondly, angels were not disputing if this Primordial Energy possesses intelligence and a mind of its own. Even humans now know, from Artificial Intelligence research and experiments, that Intelligence and consciousness are the manifestation of Energy Configuration. Therefore, intelligence and consciousness are definitely part of the Energy that is so networked enough to either differentiate itself or transform its entire self into the multiverse. We shall analyze this statement shortly
Let us call this Energy the Creator God….
Thirdly, angels were not in dispute if the Creator God exists as a personality within the multiverse. The Creator God cannot possibly exist as a part of the multiverse which emerged out of it. That does not make any sense, just as a carpenter cannot exist as a part of the chair he crafted, nor can a potter exist as a part of the pot he molded. An engineer cannot exist as a part of the car he designed, even though he can drive it.
There are only two options: it is either a part of the Primordial Energy still exists as a separate essence outside the multiverse, or the entire Energy transformed itself into the multiverse. If the former is the case, then “God Is”; but if the latter is the case, then “God Was”.
The big question is this: Which of the two statements below is correct?
1.) Creator God Was
2.) Creator God Is.
This was the bone of contention among the angels. There arose two contending ideologies: one was proposed by Ehyeh, and the other by Lucifer.
The Gospel of Lucifer
According to Lucifer, after the multiverse had come into being, the Creator God was. This is because when he decided that the multiverse should come into being, there existed nothing by which the multiverse could do so, but himself. So he gave himself up for the multiverse. And by doing so, he died.
Therefore, everything in the multiverse is a part of God, and everything is an expression of an essence of God. Every conscious essence in the multiverse is a god—an offspring of God. According to this ideology, God had to die to give birth to the multiverse— and that includes everything, both living and non-living. His death, therefore, conferred upon every conscious being the title of a god, or a God, and we inherited this title as a result of his death.
This is dramatized by the “death” of Jesus, which “qualified” us to acquire the “inheritance” as “heirs of God” and “co-heirs with Christ”. This Gospel is the very basis of the writings or Epistles of Saint Paul. And it was explicitly the very cornerstone of Christianity. The question is why?
You will find out soon.
Lucifer went on to explain that, though we are all “heirs of God”, and by inheritance we are all gods or Gods, we are not all equal. In other words, although each of us is a god or a God, we differ in strength. Some are more powerful than others, and this is so because that was the “will and last testament” of the “now-dead” God.
Since we all have inherited the title of a “god” or a “God”—capital letter or not, that is irrelevant— the mightiest among us is “the Mightiest God”. Another word for “mightiest” is “almighty”— both words simply means the “most powerful”. So the “Mightiest God” is the “Almighty God”.
When you, for example, say that you believe in “the Almighty God”, you are indirectly saying that you believe that there are other Gods and amongst them is the mightiest God, the almighty God.
The shocking truth is that Lucifer claimed the title of “the Almighty God” ….. until April 2024.
We shall explain as we go on.
The Gospel of Ehyeh
(In our previous article, we have shown that Ehyeh is no other but Jesus).
According to Ehyeh, after the multiverse was born, God is. This is because it was only a part of the Creator God that transforms itself into the multiverse—everything else that exists.When God decided that the multiverse should come into being, the multiverse did so out of a part of the Creator God—since nothing else existed outside the Creator God from which the multiverse could have emerged.
This implies that
1.) It was a part of the Creator God, a part which split out of the whole, that transforms itself into everything else. Therefore, God is a separate essence from all that exists. Although, the Creator God can influence and interact with the whole of existence, the Creator God is separate from it.
2.) The Creator God created everything that exists through that part if itself which transformed into everything else. Therefore the Creator God made all things not by direct influence and interaction. These two facts make Him the Creator God by right:
a.) The multiverse did not evolve out of “nothing.” It evolved out of a part of the Creator God.
b.) The events of cosmic evolution did not require the direct activity of an intelligent mind or consciousness. It is sufficient to know that it could either be programmed like a computer software, or the multiverse possesses an innate intelligence. The latter seems even more plausible, and human intelligence can be thought to have evolved out of the innate intelligence of the multiverse itself.
The conclusion is that the Creator God made everything else that exists indirectly—through that part that transforms itself into everything else.
Angels, Ghosts And Death
Like we stated before, there was a rebellion…then a war…after which a schism emerged among the angels to this very day!
As would be expected in a war, the two warring sides recorded casualties. At this point, let us discuss the nature of angels. Angels are ghosts who possess very powerful bodies. Without these kind of bodies, no being can transform itself from one universe to another in the “Homospatial” Multiverse….Many questions.
Let us answer them one after the other. Science historians write about the multiverse, they want us to conceive several universes in parallel arrangement, forming a vast network of universes which lie side by side. But Alien Cosmology depicts the multiverse as multiple universes existing together within the same container, as if all universes exist within the same volume, like bosons are observed to do in quantum mechanical experiments. The multiverse is such that all the universes it contains do occupy the same “Master” Space.This Master or Grand Space is the container, the Homospace, which accommodates all the universes that exist in nature.
The next question is what is a ghost? A ghost is a “deficient” biological essence that gets transmitted into another universe different from the universe in which it evolved. We say that a ghost is a deficient biological essence because it lacks the capability to interact with the Quantum Mechanical Field of the its new home, what modern Physicists call the Higgs Field, in other to gain or loss mass, as the case demands. It interacts with the universe in which it now lives only by a very faint electromagnetic induction mechanism, and “lives” in the Non-visible Light Spectrum of his new home.
However, this electromagnetic capability is enough to enable a ghost to take full possession of a biological essence in the universe in which it now lives as a stranger.
Angels possess the opposite kind of bodies. They are ghosts who have very powerful bodies. This bodies have evolved so much that they possess all it takes to interact with any Quantum Field in nature. This bodies enable angels live anywhere in the multiverse.
On Earth here, there are two types of humans: “ghosted” or “ghostified” humans and “unghosted” or “unghostified” humans. “Ghostified” humans are those whose physical bodies are just like the vegetables. The mind and intelligence have been taken over by a ghost who strive to interact with the physical world. This ghostification of human bodies take place very early, even during the embryonic stage of human fetal development. For this kind of humans, the ghost detach itself from the body at death. But that is the first death.
Ghostified humans are actually aliens in human bodies—alien humans.
The second death pertains to the ghosts themselves. A ghost can be neutralized from consciousness in that universe where it was formed. Think of non-alien, “unghosted” humans, for instance. When they die, that is the end of them. No essence detaches from their dead bodies—their consciousness is completely neutralized. The same thing can happen to ghosts. However, this can only happen to a ghost in that universe from where it originated, where it was formed. This is what the book of Revelation refers to as, “the second death”.
Prisoners Of Extraterrestrial War
Like we stated before, there was war…and casualties were recorded by the two warring factions. Many angels lost their bodies and what is left of them is their ghost forms.
Lucifer would not stop there.
He started a military operation to capture enemy ghosts, and intended to transmit them to where they were formed in order to completely neutralize them. He set up a concentration camp in his kingdom at the Northern Region of the multiverse. (Ehyeh’s kingdom is at the Southern Region).
This Concentration Camp is the Biblical concept of Hell. Actually, it is not a bowl of fire. Rather, it is a place reengineered to be very hot—the POWs there grave for water out of so much thirst.
David was inspired to write of the POWs in Psalm 63 verse 1 to 11 : “You, HaShem, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water…..”
Lucifer’s Prisoners of War are Hebrew/Jewish souls and Gentile souls are war casualties from the Army of Lucifer.
In order to rescue the POWs, Ehyeh (Jesus) decided to broker a Peace Treaty with Lucifer. This is what Christianity is all about. The Peace Pact ensured that Prisoners of War (POWs) in the concentration camps are either released, or given life imprisonment— instead of the death sentence Lucifer had conceived [Psalm 79 verse 11]. In return, Ehyeh released all the POWs of Lucifer, including those he imprisoned in the medium of existence that lies within the rivers and seas.
Lucifer agreed to the release of only POWs that accepted his concept of God and deny Ehyeh as King. He would hold POWs who rejected his ideology and authority in life imprisonment.
The prison conditions were horrible— full of torture and thirst…
This continued ….until Atonement, 1947.
The Fall of Lucifer
On that day in the Heavens, a day that coincided with the feast of Atonement, 1947, a great storm began to build up in Lucifer’s kingdom. It was a blizzard of irresistible energy that flushes everything on its way. And it grew more and more to supersede any force of resistance. Lucifer and his supporters, billions and billions of angels, fought the storm to no avail. They were overpowered by the storm. The storm decimated Lucifer’s force of resistance. Lucifer’s supporters were divided, and they scampered for safety, as the storm flushed out Lucifer alone like lightening from the Heavens!
That “day” began on the Day of Atonement, 1947 and ended on April 8, 2024.
Although Lucifer fell alone, his fall is the beginning of the end for all his supporters. And Lucifer’s fall is the fulfillment of the promise HaShem made to Ehyeh : “Sit on my right hand, until I make your enemy your footstool.” [Psalm 110 verse 1].
Isaiah chapter 14 verse 3 to 4 (KJV) reads: “And it shall come to pass in the day that HaShem shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve, that thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, ‘How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!’ ”
Christian theology teaches that Lucifer fell down from the Heavens even before the legendary “Adam and Eve”. But that teaching lacks logical reasoning. The prophecy of Isaiah we quoted above was given 2300 years ago. At the time it was given, Lucifer still reigned as king in the Heavens. Otherwise, it would not be given as a thing that would happen in the future—a prophecy.
Similarly, Israel was reinstated as a nation in 1948, after about 2300 years of bondage; a bondage that began with the sack of Judah by the Babylonians in the 7th century B.C.E. Throughout this time, no one could say that Isaiah chapter 14 verses 3 and 4 had been fulfilled because the prophecy says, “3 And it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,4 That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon…”
Judah never got “rest” until May 16, 1948.
This simply means that Isaiah chapter 14 verses 3 and 4 could not have been fulfilled before 1948.
The Vindication Of the Gospel of Ehyeh
The fact that this blizzard of irresistible energy emanated from outside the multiverse clearly validates the Gospel of Ehyeh which we have stated before.
That same storm brought freedom for all the Prisoners of War in the kingdom of Lucifer. Isaiah chapter 49 verse 25 was fulfilled: “But thus says HaShem: ‘Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children.’”
Then on the day before the 8th of April, 2024, Ehyeh cancelled the peace pact with Lucifer. On that day, “the times of the Gentiles” expired and the Peace Pact, the very basis of Christianity, became non-binding, or “null and void”. The next day is 1st of Nissan, first day of the first month on the Jewish calendar. On that day, the Day of Ehyeh (Jesus), his reign again as the Almighty, begins. This was the glory that was his before the Lucifer-led schism in the heavens[John 17 verse 5].
(Note that he reigns not as “ the Almighty God”, but as “the Almighty”.) Jesus is not God; he is the King of the Multiverse, and the high priest of the temple where HaShem is being worshipped in the Heavens.
Let us discuss more about Jesus. The name Jesus is the English transliteration of the Hebrew word, “Yeshua” or “Yehoshua”, which means “HaShem is my strength”. In other words, it means, “HaShem is my salvation”. He was the leader of all the Elohim before the Lucifer-led rebellion. Back then, he owned the title of “the Almighty”.
He came to the earth, about 2000 years ago, after he had put off his celestial body. He came as a ghost, and he took the only viable human body available—a body in the making for thousands of years, dating back long before even Abraham was born.
It is the only viable body produced by the collective efforts of the Hebrew people across thousands of generations. And when we say “viable body”, we mean a body that has evolved that Quantum Mechanical Trait we discussed [here].
Afterwards, he brokered a Peace Treaty with Lucifer, and departed to his kingdom…until the 9th of April, 2024.
On Nisan 1, 5784, which is April 9, 2024, Ehyeh (Jesus) was reinstated in the Heavens as,“ the Most High”,“the Almighty”. He has patiently waited for this time just as King David wrote :
HaShem said to my Lord (Ehyeh), “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemy your footstool.”[Psalm 110 verse 1].
(Take careful note that the “the Most High” is not the same as, “ the Most High God” and “the Almighty” is not the same as “the Almighty God”.The titles “the Most High God” and “ the Almighty God” are blasphemous to the Meaning of the name of the God of the Jews. Learn more [here].
It is shocking to realize that Lucifer ruled until recently. And billions of people on Earth worshipped him as “the Almighty God” without knowing the truth [John 14 verse 30; John 12 verses 31 to 33].
Angels and Humans: The Need to Push Human Evolution Forward
Jesus’ action, his incarnation in human flesh, reveals to us the correlation between Angels and Mankind. Humans can evolve further into a superior class equivalent to the Elohim (angels). Prophet Isaiah referred to Jesus as “Emmanuel” which means, “Eloah (singular of Elohim) with us” [Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14]. The word eloah simply means an angel—singular.
More so, there is a set of elohim that evolved from mankind in prehistoric times. They are called the Gabriels, which literally means “Elohim birthed by Mankind”.They are the subject of the book of Enoch. And Jesus, while on earth, referred to himself as “Son of Man”, that is, an Eloah “produced by Mankind”. He was trying to show us an evolutionary path that we must embrace in order to evolve into an equivalent status with the angels, a path the angels themselves took billions of years ago that made them become what they are, and a path humanity must take in other to evolve into beings that can bodily transcend into other universes in the homospatial multiverse, and live for ever!
Reincarnation and The Resurrection From the Dead
We said before that the storm brought freedom for the POWs. Now that they are free ghosts, they can be born on the earth as alien-humans among the Gentiles. That is why Moses said:
“Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people; For He will avenge the blood of His servants, and render vengeance to His adversaries; He will provide atonement for His land and His people.” [Deuteronomy 31 verse 43].
When Paul declared that, “ it was appointed unto men to die once, and after that, the judgement”, he was referring to Hebrew/Jewish souls— not Gentile souls. This is because in those days, there were Hebrew/Jewish souls who were under spiritual captivity or imprisonment; and by the judgement, they were not allowed to reincarnate on earth.
At this juncture, it is important to take not of this fact: Jesus saved the POWs from death through a Peace Treaty with Lucifer, but HaShem is the savior of us all when he eventually brought us victory over Lucifer and total freedom from his hold. Jesus is our savior, but HaShem is the savior of us all, and that includes Jesus. [ Psalm 110 verse 1; Isaiah 43 verse 11; 45 verse 15]
All Along, Christianity Had An Unknown Expiry Date
In his epistles to the Colossians, chapter 1 verse 25, Paul referred to Christianity as a “dispensation”. Yeshua spoke of the fulfillment of “the times of the Gentiles” in Luke chapter 21 verse 24.
The Peace Treaty became null and void on: April 8, 2024. And the next day marks the dawn of the Day of the Lord that Joel [Joel chapter 2 verse 10] and other prophets foresaw. Remember that there was a Solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024…..a day before “the first day of the first month” on the Jewish calendar. This is something that has never happened before in all of Jewish history!
It marks the beginning of a New Order!
As the Christian Era expires, all of a sudden, the faith of millions of Christians that constitute “the body of Jesus” became null and void.
Because the Christian Faith is all about salvation from “the second death”. This is the salvation that Jesus successfully brokered with Lucifer. But since the fall of Lucifer on April 8, 2024, a fall which began with a storm on the Day of Atonement 1947, a storm that grew and grew until it became irresistible, those who wanted to execute the second death are now too busy fighting for their own lives. Starting from April 9, 2024, the table has changed. They are now the hunted. The second death is now their portion. The Prisoners of War (POWs) they kept in Concentration Camps have been freed, and “their agenda” to execute “the second death” on their POWs is now dead. [Revelation chapter 9 verse 6]. So, there is no need to hold on to the Faith of Jesus any longer. The “times of the Gentiles” has passed away. We are now in “the Day of the Lord, the Day of Judgement”.
Presently, all Lucifer’s supporters are being flushed out of the heavens, hunted and arrested [Psalm 79 verse 12 and 13].
The Judgement Day
Jesus, who again is the Almighty, with the Elohim (angels) with him, has began a massive military operation against the already battered troops of Lucifer, as the ceasefire agreement is set aside.
This day is referred to in the scriptures as “the Day of the Lord” and “the day of judgement”.
The Day of the Lord begins on Nissan 1, 5784, which is April 9, 2024, in the Gregorian Calendar. Never before in 5784 years of Jewish history had the first day of the first month of a Jewish year preceded by a Total Solar Eclipse!
This is the sign given to us by HaShem through Joel, the prophet.
The Meaning Of Ehyeh
From what we had analyzed above, we know the meaning of Jesus’ true name “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh”. It means, “Either I am or I will be [the Almighty]”. As it is written in the book of Revelation chapter 1 verse 8, “who is and was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Learn more [here].
The “Drama” of the Crucifixion
Jesus’ death was a drama, enacted to portray the Gospel of Lucifer. It was part of the agreement for a Peace Treaty with Lucifer— not the faith Jesus himself proclaims.
Christianity is a lie enacted by Jesus under duress. And the death and resurrection of Jesus are completely allegorical. His death symbolizes the Gospel of Lucifer, and his resurrection symbolizes his salvation which will come from HaShem. Psalm 119 is Jesus’ prayer to HaShem for salvation.
Why is the Solar Eclipse of April 8,2024 so different?
Because it heralds the dawn of a new dispensation in HaShem’s divine plan, and the exit of the old. The next day is April 9, the first day of the first month of the Jewish calendar. Never before in Jewish history has that happened.
The Peace Pact Has Expired
1) Christianity was a peace treaty with Lucifer. It was a lasting—though not everlasting— ceasefire agreement between two warring factions. It was an era of relative peace—a dispensation in historical records. Paul called it a “dispensation” in his letter to the Ephesians and the Colossians.
And as a dispensation, it has passed away.
2) It began after a lunar eclipse on Nissan 14, 33 C.E., the day Jesus was ceremonially crucified.
The end came on April 8, 2024—again, marked by an eclipse. But this time, it was a solar eclipse exactly as the Prophet, Joel, foresaw (Joel 2:10).
The fall of Lucifer spells freedom for hitherto “Christians” from the hold of Lucifer. It is the fulfillment of Isaiah 49 verse 25.
Christianity has served its purpose, and it is high time we set it aside.
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