The Only Sense in Which Jesus Is the “Only Begotten Son” of God
John chapter 3 verse 16 records that Jesus referred to himself as the only begotten Son of HaShem. How is he the only begotten Son of HaShem?
The Mysterious Connection Between Angels And Mankind
Before one can understand what Jesus really meant, one needs to understand the very essence of Judaism. Judaism is about evolution. It is about pushing human evolution forward… until angels begin to emerge from human populations. “Elohim” means angels (plural). The singular is “Eloah”.
This class of Angels are called the Gabriels. And in times past, many such angels emerged from humans before and during the days of Enoch. Even Enoch was one of such, and the book that bears his name, the book of Enoch, reported about such angels. After they emerged from human populations, they refused to transcend into the heavens because they realized that angels in the heavens are at war. They decided to remain neutral to the war in the heavens, and stayed back.
The Great Task of Evolving The Angelic Body
Before the generation of Mary and his husband Joseph, the nation of Judah had been around for 1,500 years, if we consider the fact that it was originally part of Israel before the breakup after the reign of King Solomon. But we know that the practice of the Oral Torah dates back even before Abraham.
During the Days of Jesus, there were lineages that dates back to Sumer, especially among the tribe of Levi, that has steadfastly adhered to the scientific principles of evolution that we discussed [here]. Jesus was conceived by two biological parents. The biological mother was Mary and the biological father was Joseph, the son of Heli from the tribe of Levi, as recorded in Luke’s account. Do not forget that Luke was a physician. He attested to the fact that Jesus had a biological father. And both biological parents originated from the tribe of Levi.
Remember the principle of Reproductive Fidelity that we discussed [here], the very first instruction of the Oral Torah? Of all the 13 tribes of Israel, the tribe of Levi adhered to it most strictly.
Here is proof: Leviticus chapter 21 verse 13. Originally, that instruction was not meant for the tribe of Levi alone, but for all the tribes of Israel. That was why Jesus said that “in the beginning it was not so” [Matthew 19 verses 8 and 9].
Jesus was adopted even before he was born by Joseph Son of Jacob from the tribe of Judah as recorded in Matthew’s account. So Jesus had two human fathers: one was his biological father and the other was his foster father. Coincidentally, both of them bear the same name—Joseph!
The Six Day Work
Moreover, his biological parents are insignificant from an evolutionary perspective. They were just the last rung on a ladder that stretches back in history, hundreds or thousands of generations before. In fact, they are the “sabbatical” rung on the ladder in the sense that they contributed no efforts of their own to the evolutionary development of the egg and sperm cells that united into the fetus. They contributed the egg and sperm cells that have already been perfected in the last generation before them. In other words, other generations before the parent generation did the work. The parent generation is a “sabbath” generation.
This is the meaning of , “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy”. Your sabbath day is the day you will be incarnated in a special kind of body like Yeshua had. And on that day, you and your biological parents will do no work with respect to the kind of body you will have—a body that possesses what we call “ the golden trait”.
Yeshua was born with a body that have the golden trait we discussed about [here]. That is the trait he displayed at the time he transfigured himself [Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36]. From our insights into the scientific principles of the Oral Torah, we can say that this trait must have been in the making even before Abraham was born. And ever since Abraham to this very day, there was no one else, born of a woman that possesses this trait.
However, before Abraham, there were many “Sons” who had evolved into the status of angels from mankind.
Figuratively, Jesus was “born” by Mother Judah, 2,000 years ago. Judah was his Mother; and HaShem, his Father. Since Judah had no other child like him ever since, he remains the only begotten Son of Judah for HaShem, since the time she became a nation to this very day.
It means that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God only with reference to Judah. With respect to the meaning of “Son” as one who had evolved into the status of an angel from mankind, Jesus was not the first. But he is the last, and the only one ever since the times of Abraham to this very day.
By the time modern-day Jews come to understand this about Yeshua, they will weep and mourn and reconcile themselves to the scientific nature of the Oral Torah as the embodiment of the basic principles of biological evolution. Zechariah chapter 12 verses 10 says, “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.”
When Judah bears more children of the kind of Jesus, then Jesus will seize to be called the only begotten Son. Then we will refer to him as the “firstborn Son”. And this is the very essence of our six-day “work” before our “sabbath day”. You shall work before your sabbath day, and on your sabbath day, you shall do no work.
This is the meaning of the allegory of the “Six-Day Work” and the “Sabbath Day”.
For a better understanding, study what we call the Basic Principles of Biological Evolution [here].
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