The Halachic Solution to the Jewish Population Problem

The Jewish Matters Outreach (JMO) Incorporated is the organization which kick-started and currently spearheads the Type-Two Aliyah Movement. Type-Two Aliyah movement is the movement whose aim is to execute the Halachic solution to the Jewish Population Problem. Learn more about the problem [here].
The path to procuring a solution to the problem began with a discovery.
Russian Israelis are about one million people in Israel who are mostly without Jewish matrilineal history— and, based on the ruling of the Halacha, they are not considered as Jews by the Orthodox and Ultra-orthodox establishments.
However, we discovered that the Halacha-based system of identifying a Jew by matrilineal descent can be rebooted  for all Russian Israelis.
But using the same protocol by which we can do this for Russian Israelis, we can also convert an assembled  population of people from diverse Gentile populations into Jews.
Here is how the protocol works:
1.) The aim is to increase the world Jewish population directly from the Gentile population without disrupting the pre-existing Jewish matrilineal descents. We can achieve this by keeping two separate Jewish matrilineal records for all Jews: an old matrilineal record and the new matrilineal record.
2) We assemble a large number of people at the same time from diverse Gentile populations, and we organize them to become a new entity, a “new-born” or “infant” Jewish society, as the pre-existing societies will now constitute the “mother”  Jewish society.
We can ensure that this new entity henceforth  sexually reproduce in accordance with the  two scientific principles which validates the three original instructions of the Oral Torah. This science, which we have recently rediscovered, and the Oral Torah which it validates, is the true bedrock of a “Jewish” society.
(You can study these principles, one after the other, after reading this article. These scientific principles are elaborately discussed [here].)
3.) On the new record, we can create New Jewish lineages by counting from Generation “Zero”. Generation Zero will be constituted mostly by individuals from Gentile populations who display readiness to  adhere to the instructions of the Oral Torah, which are explicitly substantiated by impeccable modern scientific research.
Generation Zero will produce Generation One, then Generation One will produce Generation Two… and so on. Taking advantage of modern-day advanced Database Technology  such as iCloud Computing, we can ensure that all family trees are well captured from the scratch, that is, from ground Zero.
It is amazing to know that we can create  new Jewish societies. And we can even do so in serial order,  which goes up each time we  assemble Gentiles en masse and organize them into a new or  “infant”  Jewish society.
For example, the modern-day Jewish federations, who are from the ancient Hebrew stock, constitute Jewish 1.0. societies. It is the “mother” society of the emerging Jewish civilization. Going forward, we can generate Jewish 2.0 societies by re-establishing  the scientific principles of the Oral Torah as a constitution to be strictly observed by every member of the new society, while offenders are expelled from the stock.
Does that remind you of the story of the Garden of Eden?
What we are about to do is to launch an anti-assimilation  strategy [Genesis chapter 24 verses 1 to 4; Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 3]. For example, Mark Zuckerberg was born Jewish. But he married a non-Jewish woman. If  Mark has a female child, she cannot be accepted as a continuation of the matrilineal lineage that gave birth to Mark. Nevertheless, Mark’s female child can be accommodated within the orthodox Jewish community as Zero Generation Jews, who is about to kickstart a new matrilineal lineage.
Similarly, the strategy can be called a “Turnaround Assimilation” strategy. We are turning the wheel around. Instead of Jews getting assimilated into Gentile populations, we are teaching Gentiles how to kickstart Jewish lineages starting from Generation Zero.
These “new-born” or “infant” Jewish societies, therefore, can be likened to a restart or a reboot of the Halachic Matrilineal System, a genealogical counting system whose origin is traceable back to a set of cultural practice, that flourished for a time,  before it was abandoned in ancient Sumer— the same place where Abraham came from.
When you reboot a computer, information already stored in the system does not necessarily get lost. However, it refreshes the performance of all its applications—both old and new. Similarly, rebooting  the Halachic Matrilineal Identity System allows a large number of people from the Gentile populations to kick-start simultaneously new Jewish maternal lineages within the larger Jewish Community, without disrupting Jewish societies with maternal lineages that date back thousands of years ago—that is, Jewish 1.0 societies.
Like we stated before, here is the magic: we can create Jewish societies from the Gentile populations in serial order…
Presently, we have plans to launch Jewish 2.0 societies and Jewish 3.0 societies. They shall together become the modern blueprint for generating other Jewish societies from Gentile populations. Therefore, in the future, there shall be Jewish 4.0 societies and Jewish 5.0 societies, and so on.
Therefore,  if we reboot, we shall trigger into motion a New Global Order…the Jewish Global Order, the rise of the Jewish Civilization on Earth.
And come to think of it: how is Present-Day Israel a “Jewish” State, when it has about 20 percent Arab population?
Israel can only become truly “Jewish”  by making it mandatory that only Jews are conferred the status of citizenship. All Arabs, including the “Palestinians”, must be given the opportunity to become Jews via the Jewish 2.0 Route or the Jewish 3.0 Route—or get a temporary stay as a non-citizen. This is the mission of IISA, which stands for Israeli Identity Singularization Agenda.
Type-Two Aliyah Movement or TTA Movement stands for everything we have said so far. The Hebrew word “Aliyah” literally means “ascent” or “rise”, but for generations it has been used to mean “return” to Israel. Type-2 Aliyah is very different from previous Aliyah because Type-2 Aliyah is impossible until now.
Type-2 Aliyah is now possible because we have discovered that we can convince and assemble a massive number of people from the Gentile population on the basis of the scientific nature of the Oral Torah, and organize them to live together in specially-negotiated-for geographical locations across the world. In these places, they will live according to the rediscovered scientific principles which validates the Jewish Oral Torah—the defining factor that earmarks a given population as a part of true Jewry.
In summary, we have discovered the science by which we can convince and assemble a large population of people from diverse Gentile populations, and organize them into a “new born” or “infant” Jewish population. And we can do this without disrupting the pre-existing matrilineal descents of the “mother” Jewish society. If we separately generate several “infant” Jewish populations and organize them in serial order, the Jewish Global Order is born.
That is why we are confident that the next global civilization is Jewish!
Therefore, supporting Type-Two Aliyah movement  is the divine mandate of everyone who identifies as a Jew. Type-Two Aliyah stands for the future of the Jewish people.
Jeremiah prophesied saying, O LORD, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, ‘Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things’” [Jeremiah Chapter 16 verse 19 [KJV]
Isaiah 60 verse 3 reads:  “The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Then verse 4 reads: “Lift up your eyes all around, and see: they all gather together, they come to you; Your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be nursed at your side.”
The question is who are the “sons” and “daughters” referred to in verse 4? The answer is clearly in verse 3. These “sons” and “daughters” were formerly Gentiles.
Isaiah 49 verse 18 reads: “ Lift up your eyes, look around and see; All these gather together and come to you. As I live,” says the LORD, “You shall surely clothe yourselves with them all as an ornament, And bind them on you as a bride does.”
Jewish 2.0 Project, which we call ‘the Ephraim Project’,  will be the “firstborn” of this order. Moreover, Moses prophesied of it, saying: “His glory is like a firstborn bull, And his horns like the horns of the wild ox; Together with [the “mother” Jewish society] He shall push [the emerging Jewish Order] to the ends of the earth…” [Deuteronomy 33 verse 17]. And HaShem declared, “ …Ephraim is my firstborn.” [Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 9]
Therefore, it is the divine responsibility of every Jew to support this cause in every way.
Against the backdrop of the rising tide of antisemitic incidents globally, Jews, which constitute only 0.2 percent of the world population, are obviously confronted by an existential threat.
Our answer to this threat is the “assimilation” of Gentiles en masse into the Jewish population. This is what we call the Turn-Around Assimilation Strategy.  Instead of Jews getting assimilated by the Gentiles, this time things go the other way. This is the most effective way to tackle antisemitism and anti-zionism in the long run. And as we do this, we shall not only magnify the Jewish Voice in all matters of Jewish interests, but also we shall diminish the Voice of the Opposition.
We are building two social media Applications, which we shall call Rapture 1 and  2, to engage the gentile populations across the world for  Jewish 2.0 and Jewish 3.0 projects respectively. These social media Apps will be working prototypes of the new societies we are about to set up, a kind of “metaverse”, as we intend to use these social media Apps to do the following: identify, communicate, train, schedule for in-person interview, recruit for job placement in the “new society”  and notify for personal or collective evacuation.
Learn more about this on our Vision page.
In the near future, we shall see the rebirth of the ancient Eden, which was indeed a precursor of the Jewish Global Order, the true “Kingdom of God” on Earth.

Our slogans:
1. “The science from which the Oral Torah originated is the New Islam!”
2. “The next global civilization is Jewish!”

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