The Reconstruction of the Third Temple: Repositioning the Sabbath Movement in Africa

And HaShem … will  again choose Jerusalem.” [Zechariah 2 verse 12 NASB]

In our last article, we reiterated the significance of the Oral Torah. We put emphasis on the fact that the Oral Torah is the very foundation of the Written Torah. Now let us turn to the Sabbath Movement in Africa.
The Sabbath Movement is a flourishing religious movement across Africa. It originated from South Eastern Nigeria, and it dates back to the early twentieth century C.E. It began as a kind of awakening. The fathers of the movement claimed that they originated from one of the “lost”  tribes of Israel—the tribe of Gad. They worship on Saturdays and they observe strictly all the Jewish feasts in accordance with the Jewish calendar. During these feasts, offerings and animal sacrifices are offered as stipulated by the Law of Moses.
However, they have zero knowledge of, not to talk of the practice of, the Oral Torah. The movement is solely established upon the practice of the Law of Moses. Yet we know that the Oral Torah is the very foundation of Orthodox Judaism, and the Hebrews were already the people of HaShem before they received the Written Torah, which is the Law of Moses.
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Before Israel was established as a nation, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived. None of these fathers made a sacrifice to HaShem anywhere outside the geographical location of Israel. Abraham travelled long distance to offer burnt offerings at Mount Moriah, the very location where the first and second temple was later built within the Old City of Jerusalem [2 Chronicles 3 verse 1]. Jacob offered burnt offerings  at Bethel. He travelled a long distance to make his burnt offerings there.
The big question is why?
The answer is this: Because this is the place where HaShem Himself  has chosen [Zechariah chapter 2 verse 12]. HaShem never permitted any of the Patriarchs to make a burnt offering anywhere other than Eretz Yisrael.
The land of Israel is the holiest land in the world. And talking about Jerusalem, if you give us a chance to choose either  the rest of the whole world or the Old Jerusalem, we must choose the Old Jerusalem and live as a stranger in the rest of the whole world! That is how important Old Jerusalem is to the Jews.
And this is because we live in a multiverse that contains several universes, which exist together in what we call “the homospatial condition”. In other words, each universe exists within the same volume as every other. We call this volume Grand Space. This means that every point in one universe corresponds to the same point in every other universe. The location of Jerusalem corresponds to the very location where the Temple of HaShem is built in the heavens. It is the most important coordinates to the Jews in all the universe.
Moses was divinely aided to literally see this Glorious Temple standing as a magnificent edifice across a notable fraction of Eretz Yisrael,  and he was instructed to ensure that the people do not forget to make a replica of it on the same location [Exodus 25 verse 40].
Throughout  history, there was no record that Jews in exile offered burnt offerings or animal sacrifices. And it is for a  good reason—they knew that, though the whole earth belongs to HaShem,  different territories  might be temporarily in control of  different principalities. Besides, if HaShem would not permit the patriarchs to offer burnt offerings anywhere other than the land of Israel, then why should they? It is reasonable to conclude that whether there are territorial principalities or not, HaShem forbids burnt offerings offered anywhere other than on the land of Israel.
Zechariah 14 verses 16 to 18 (NJV) reads: “And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year [in obedience to] the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem [in obedience to] the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain. If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.”

The scripture above would be irrelevant if people of different nations could set up  temples within their own borders where they could make burnt offerings and sacrifices
. Therefore, true followers of HaShem today will not make sacrifices anywhere else; rather true worshippers of HaShem today will  work  together to oversee the reconstruction of the third temple on the very same site where the first and second temple once were, on Mount Moriah, where Abraham himself made his offerings.

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