Christianity Was A “Dispensation”: Welcome To the Post-Christian Era

“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.”
        —1 Corinthians chapter 13 verses 9 and 10
The Christian Era was referred to as  “the times  of the Gentiles” in scriptures. Let us examine these scriptures so that we can understand how the Christian Era was indeed “the times of the Gentiles”.

The Era of National Gods

History teaches us that after the reign of King Solomon, Israel split into two kingdoms. The Northern kingdom retained the name Israel, and the Southern kingdom took the name Judah. In those days, nations identified with different divine entities which the citizens served as their “ national god”. Before Israel split into two, she identified with HaShem as her “God”. But after the split, citizens of the Northern Kingdom, which retained the name Israel, decided, almost unanimously,  to change their “national god” for “all the gods of other nations put together ”. In the same vein, they almost unanimously abandoned the Oral Torah which they received from Abraham and the Written Torah which they received from Moses (the Written Torah is what we call the Law of Moses).

Those who would not do so left the kingdom and relocated to the Southern Kingdom, Judah.

Moses warned that evil would befall the people, if they chose to worship any other entity,  or abandon the Oral  Torah or the Written Torah. Moses wrote (Deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 25 to 27 ):
“After you have had children and grandchildren and have lived in the land a long time—if you then become corrupt and make any kind of idol, doing evil in the eyes of HaShem your God and arousing his anger, I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you this day that you will quickly perish from the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess. You will not live there long but will certainly be destroyed. HaShem will scatter you among the peoples, and only a few of you will survive among the nations to which HaShem will drive you.”


Both the Oral Torah and the Written Torah was given to the Hebrews along with agreements (covenants). Since the Northern Kingdom utterly abandoned  both the Oral Torah and the Written Torah, the covenants  that came with them became null and void. HaShem said to the Northern Kingdom [Hosea 1 verse 9]: “Then said HaShem, Call his name Loammi: for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God.” But that was only with respect to the Northern Kingdom which beared the name Israel.
Also Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 reads: “And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce….” Only The Northern Kingdom was divorced.
Because the citizens of the Southern Kingdom did not come up with a decision to replace  HaShem, who their predecessors chose as their national God, nor did they utterly abandon the Oral Torah and the Written Torah. Rather, they worshipped other entities along with HaShem, and, from time to time, they  repented [Jeremiah chapter 3 ]. By so doing, they continuously  provoked  HaShem to jealousy (Exodus 20 verse 5).
Therefore,  the sin of Israel was weightier than the sin of Judah. For example, Ezekiel, the prophet, was instructed to mourn for 40 days for Judah and 390 days for Israel. [Ezekiel chapter 4].
In line with this fact, HaShem punished Israel differently from Judah. He destroyed the Northern kingdom completely with the hands of the Assyrians— and the Northern kingdom would never be reinstated. But HaShem decided to punish Judah, the Southern Kingdom, twice, after which Judah would be reinstated.
Jeremiah 16 verse 28 (ESV) reads: “But first I will doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted my land with the carcasses of their detestable idols, and have filled my inheritance with their abominations. “Hosea 6 verse 2 reads: “After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.”

This double punishment happened when Judah was sacked by the Babylonians in the 7th century B.C.E, and was reinstated during the era of Nehemiah and Ezra, only to be sacked again in the first century C.E. by the Romans.
If we call the first Judah that was sacked in the 7th century B.C.E. ‘Mother Judah’, then the second Judah that was sacked in 70 C.E. Would then be ‘Daughter Judah’ or the phrase, ‘Daughter of Judah’. The sins of Daughter Judah against the Written Torah was even more weightier than the sins of Israel against the Written Torah [Ezekiel chapter 16 ], but they continued to associate themselves to the name of their God [HaShem] and several lineages amongst them continued to hold the whole or part of the Oral Torah sacred. Because of these, they were not utterly forsaken. Hosea  chapter 11 verse 12 NKJV reads: “Ephraim has encircled Me with lies, And the house of Israel with deceit; But Judah still walks with God, Even with the Holy One who is faithful.”

The reinstatement of Judah on May 16, 1948 spelt the end of her double-fold punishment. Isaiah chapter 40 verses 1 and 2 reads: “
Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,  and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Also Isaiah 48:1 even foretells the new name modern Judah now bears, which indeed is an act of subversion against her sister, Israel: “Listen to this, you descendants of Jacob, you who are called by the name “Israel” and come from the line of Judah….”


The Southern Kingdom was punished and pardoned and reinstated. But the Northern Kingdom was completely destroyed, never to be reinstated as an independent Kingdom; even though the Southern Kingdom, after her first reinstatement, trespassed the Written Torah even more than the Northern Kingdom [Ezekiel chapter 16]. This is because the Southern Kingdom continued to call upon HaShem despite their sins. Isaiah chapter 48 verse 1 reads: “Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness.”
Moreover, there are certain lineages within the Southern Kingdom that continued to observe the Oral Torah even to this day. Isaiah chapter 65 verse 8 KJV reads: “Thus saith the Lord, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, ‘Destroy it not, for a blessing is in it,’ so will I do for my servants’ sakes, that I may not destroy them all.”
This proved the superiority of the Oral Torah to the Written Torah.

The Lost Tribes ?

The prophetic ministry of prophets like Jeremiah to the kingdom of Israel informed many Israelites about the impending doom and encouraged many of them to “jump ship” into the kingdom of Judah, before the kingdom of Israel was sacked by the Assyrians  in the sixth century B.C.E. For example, members of the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon fled to Judah during the reign of Asa of Judah from 911–870 B.C.E. [2 Chronicles chapter 15 verse 9]. Furthermore, 2 Chronicles chapter 30 verses 1-11 explicitly mentions northern Israelites who had been spared by the Assyrians—in particular, members of Dan, Ephraim, Manasseh, Asher, and Zebulun—and how members of the latter three returned to worship at the Temple in Jerusalem at that time.
Coupled with several episodes of Aliyah conducted across India and Africa since 1948 C.E. by the government of Israel and Jewish organizations like the Jewish Agency For  Israel and the Jewish Federations of North America, it is reasonable to conclude that the Jewish population today  represent all the tribes of both the Southern and Northern Kingdoms of Ancient Israel and Judah.
However, it is important to note that there were lineages from every  tribe that got assimilated by the surrounding Gentile populations, as assimilation have been a constant threat to the entire Hebrew community across the centuries.
Before now, when  Hebrew Souls lost their connection with the Oral Torah during a lifetime, that is when they get assimilated, they would find  themselves  in enemy territories in death—and they were subsequently captured and kept as Prisoners of War, forbidden to incarnate again as a human. That is why Paul was inspired to write that, “It is appointed unto man to die once, and after that, the judgement” [Hebrews 9 verse 27]. That judgement applied only to Lucifer’s Prisoners of War.
Both “the House of Israel” and “Ephraim” are used figuratively in prophecy to represent all the assimilated lineages of the Hebrew people.

“Christianity”  And “the Law and Covenant of Moses”

Let us reemphasize the fact that, although the Law and the Covenant of Moses was abolished with due respect to the Northern Kingdom (Israel), the Law and Covenant remained intact for the Southern Kingdom (Judah).  This is because Judah did not utterly abandon HaShem or the Oral Torah or the Written Torah (which is the Law and Covenant of Moses)  like the Northern Kingdom did. Hosea chapter 11 verse 12 NKJV: “Ephraim has encircled Me with lies, And the house of Israel with deceit; But Judah still walks with God, Even with the Holy One who is faithful.”

Apart from the two-fold punishment for Judah, HaShem promised to provoke Judah to jealousy as well. Deuteronomy 32 verse 21 reads: “They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.”

The “times of the Gentiles”  was the era of “those which are not a people”, and the “foolish nation” refers to the Vatican City of Rome which would have been the most populous nation in the world, if all Christians were Romans.
  “Those who are not a people” stands for Christianity because Christianity is neither a nationality nor a civilization. And ever since the fall of the Roman Empire, Christianity had been politically weakened.
Christianity replaced the Northern Kingdom in the divine master plan of Ehyeh. Romans chapter 10 verses 20 and 21 reads :  “But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and (stubborn) people.” Ehyeh (Jesus)  puts it very clearly:  “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.” [Matthew 21 verse 43]

Although Jesus spoke this to Jews in the first century C.E.,  after the Northern Kingdom had been utterly destroyed in the 6th century B.C.E., it was only to provoke them to jealousy.
That was why Paul wrote that the Law and Covenant of Moses had been abolished and the Faith of Yeshua has replaced  the Law and the Covenant [Ephesians chapter 2 verses 14  and 15 KJV]:  “For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances…” Again Paul wrote to the Romans [Romans 10 verse 4 KJV]:  “For [Jesus] is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.”
However, this replacement is  a temporal arrangement. Paul candidly called the Christian Era a “dispensation” in the divine plan [Ephesians 3 verse 2 NKJV].  That is, it was created with the intention that it would last for a duration— not everlasting.
The bad news is that the Christian Era has expired. It expired on the 8th of April,2024. It means that,  all of a sudden, the faith of millions of Christians that constitute the Church became null and void.


Because the Christian Faith is all about salvation from “the second death”. This is the salvation that Jesus successfully brokered with Lucifer.
But since the fall of Lucifer, which began on the Day of Atonement, 1947 and became completed on April 8, 2024, those who execute the second death are now too busy fighting for their own lives. Starting from April 9, 2024, the table has changed. They are now the hunted. The second death is now their portion. The POWs they kept in Concentration Camps have been freed, and  “their agenda”to execute “the second death” on their POWs  is now dead. [Revelation chapter 9 verse 6]. So, there  is no need to hold on to the Faith of Jesus any longer.
The “times of the Gentiles”  has passed away. We are now in “the Day of the Lord, the Day of Judgement”. Presently, all Lucifer’s supporters are being hunted and flushed out of the heavens.
It is shocking to realize that Lucifer ruled until 8th of April, 2024. And billions of people on Earth worshipped him as “the Almighty God” without knowing the truth [John 14 verse 30; John 12 verses 31 to 33].
In  our earlier article titled,  “The Gospel of  “Jesus Christ” According to Lucifer”, we examined this matter in details.

The  Final Restoration

Jesus spoke of the end of the Christian Era. Matthew chapter 21 verse 44 reads,“ And he that falleth on this stone shall be broken to pieces: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will scatter him as dust.”
Again, Jesus, speaking of Orthodox Judaism and Christianity , said, “And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old;  if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old. And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.”[Luke chapter 5 verses 36 to 39 KJV]

Now let us discuss the good news. As we said before, because the Christian Era has expired, the faith of millions of Christians became null and void. In fact, we can literally say that the body of Jesus, the church, is dead. However, out of the dead church, Ephraim will  rise up , three and half years after the death of the Church.
Where is that in the scriptures?
The two witnesses of  Revelation chapter 11 signifies the church. One witness represents the Eastern Orthodox Church which can trace his roots to the early ministries of the disciples of Jesus. On the other hand is the Roman Catholic Church, traceable chiefly to Peter and Paul…and behind her are the bandwagon of Protestant movements that broke out of  the Catholic Church. And just as they broke out of the Catholic Church, they kept breaking into pieces even up to this day, as Jesus foretold would be their fate: “And he that falls on this stone shall be broken to pieces…” Matthew 21 verse 44].
In our earlier article, we discussed about the great storm and the fall of Lucifer. We stated that the same storm  liberated  the POWs in Lucifer’s concentration camps. Today, they are being born on earth. They are “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” and the church is the body of Jesus.

At the last Supper on Earth,  Jesus referred to ‘the lost sheep of the house of Israel’  as  “my blood”, as they come out of the dead body of Jesus—the Modern-day Church. When  Modern-Day Israel, which was symbolized in the Last Supper as the “unleavened” bread ( bread made without yeast),  “drink” the blood of Jesus by accepting the return of Hebrew souls in Gentile bodies, ancient Israel is reborn. This is the meaning of the Holy Communion, practiced with “the blood of grapes”, and  which has been a mysterious practice of the church for the past 2000 years. It is the symbol of this unification which will happen in the Day of the Lord [Joel 2 verses 1 to 11].

The phrase “blood of grapes” can be found in the prophecy of Jacob concerning Judah, “
11 Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass’s colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes” [Genesis 49 verse 11] And in the Last Supper, Jesus used the “blood of grapes” or wine to symbolize his blood.
It is important to note that wine can be made from “leavened” bread—that is bread made with yeast. So, we can think of the Dead Church as the “leavened” bread. In the Last Supper the wine, which comes from the “leavened” bread is used together with the “unleavened”  bread. This is not a coincidence, but a parable. Ehyeh ( Jesus) said to Israel: “Your dead shall live; [out of ] my dead body [ the church] they shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; For your dew is like the dew of herbs (the dew revives back to life the dead herbs), And the earth shall cast out the dead.” [Isaiah 26 verse 19] 

When Jesus said, “ Unless you drink my blood  and eat my flesh, you have no life in you” [John chapter 6 verse 53], he was only referring to the rebirth  of Ancient Israel which was dead as at the time he was speaking 2000 years ago.

The “House of Israel” or “Ephraim”  now lives  among  the Gentiles,  haven escaped from the Prison houses of Lucifer.
The good news is that the house of Israel or Ephraim  shall return from the four corners of the Earth as they come out of the dead church. Romans 11 verse 15: “For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?”

That is why Moses said, “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people; For He will avenge the blood of His servants, And render vengeance to His adversaries; He will provide atonement for His land and His people.” [Deuteronomy 31 verse 43].
The House of Israel or Ephraim is about half of  the Church population today [Matthew chapter 24 verse 40 ], and he will emerge from the dead church to create Jewish Societies from the scratch. The other half of the church will constitute “Apostate Christianity” referred to as “Babylon” in some parts of Jeremiah chapter 51 and the whole Revelation chapter 17. This has been  a mystery to the Church throughout the ages. Christian scholars refer to it as the rapture of the church [ I Thessalonians  chapter 4 verse 16], and interprets it as a metaphysical phenomenon. During the Christian Era, it was not properly understood. That was why Paul wrote to the Corinthians :

we know in part, and we prophesy in part.But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” [  1 Corinthians 13:9-10]

Ephraim shall continually generate new Jewish societies out of the Gentile populations ….And Ephraim and his multitude shall be reconciled to the Law and Covenant of Moses as they become integrated with Modern Judah (Modern-Day Israel).
And this time, “Israel”  is no longer  “a wife” [Jeremiah 3 verse 8] to HaShem; they are accepted as “children” out of which Ephraim is the firstborn [Jeremiah 31 verse 9]. And Judah is now a “mother”  to Ephraim. Isaiah chapter 49 verse 22: “Thus says HaShem [ to Judah]: “Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations, and raise my signal to the peoples; and they shall bring your sons in their arms, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders.”
At this point, we can see that the end of the Christian Era and the death of the Church is for a good cause vis-a-vis  the final restoration. 
Psalm 102 verses 24 – 27 : Yeshua said to HaShem: “O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days [he was referring to the end of the Church Era, the times of Gentiles] .” And HaShem replied him: “ Thy years are throughout all generations.Of old hast thou ( referring to Yeshua) laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.”
And of speaking of the time after  Ephraim has returned from the dead, Jeremiah prophesied saying,

O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, ‘Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things’

—Jeremiah Chapter 16 verse 19 [KJV]


Moreover, Moses prophesied of this age,

 “His glory is like a firstborn bull, And his horns like the horns of the wild ox; Together with them He shall push (the emerging Jewish Global Order) to the ends of the earth…” [ Deuteronomy 33 verse 17].

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