How Can We Accommodate New Converts In Orthodox Judaism Without Disrupting The Old Matrilineal Descents?

A proper understanding of the scientific nature of the Oral Torah has provided us a way to accommodate newcomers into Jewish communities—provided they start up new lineages from the scratch, without disrupting the ancient matrilineal descents.
Drawing from  our deep understanding of the scientific significance of basic Judaism, we have found a way to make the Global Jewish Community an “Open Society” yet certified by Halacha—fully equipped to accommodate newcomers who will kickstart new maternal lineages from the scratch without disrupting the ancient matrilineal descents or the status quo.This is technologically possible by keeping two data systems to track maternal lineages :
(1) the Ancient Maternal Lineage Data System/ Continuity Data System, for old Jewish societies; and
(2) the New Maternal Lineage Data System/Reboot Data System,  for young (new) Jewish societies.
In addition to the two data systems, it is important to establish what we call the Reproductive Segregation Protocol. In accordance with this protocol, every member of a society marry and reproduce “in-house”, separately from every other society—every society is a separate unit of  an in-breeding reproductive system. This is necessitated by the third basic principle of biological evolution.
Together, these two ideas represent a permanent solution to the Jewish identity saga (the ‘Who Is A Jew ?’Problem) that plays out between Jewish orthodox and non-orthodox establishments; and it spells an end to marriage and conversion controversies that threaten to tear Jewish societies apart.
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