The Extraterrestrials Who Evolved Billions of Years Earlier Than Humans, And Their Attempts To Communicate A Vital Scientific Information To Humanity

The Evolutionary History of the Early Modern Humans
The oldest known  archeological evidence of anatomically defined “modern humans” are fossils found at Jebel  Irhoud Site in Morocco, dated  315,000 years old. They were the remains of eight individuals. Modern humans (Homo sapiens) had been around ever since. But today, our recorded history is less than 10,000 years old. Is it not absurd to think that there were no advanced, organized human societies with the capability  to keep  historical records for over 290,000 years after Homo sapiens emerged  on earth? Don’t  you think it is reasonable to hold the view that the  rise and fall of organized human societies, or civilizations, dated back earlier than we know?
Then where  are the missing ancient records ?
Here is our conclusion after 20 years of research:
About 50,000 years ago, the civilizations of the early Homo sapiens was destroyed by an astro-geological event. At that same time,  an iron asteroid smashed into North America and left a gaping hole there. It is called Barringer Crater located in the Colorado Plateau of northern Arizona. Similarly, many large asteroids fell into the Atlantic Ocean and precipitated floods in so many places across the earth. The floods destroyed the civilizations of the Homo sapiens of that time. These civilizations engulfed the whole of Africa and South America.
There were very few human survivors.
Some of the magnificent pyramids found in Egypt and Mexico were built by these early modern humans. Ancient Aztec and Egyptian writings attest to this fact.
The truth is, civilizations were born, thrived, and vanished long before our recorded history.
The Latter Modern Humans: How Modern Humans Evolved In Europe And Asia
Most of Asia and all of Europe were not affected by the floods. But there was no Homo sapiens there. Only Homo Neanderthalensis lived there at that time. Neanderthals were anatomically less evolved when compared to modern humans, especially when we talk of the evolutionary development of the brain.
From the ancient Sumerian writings, we deduce that  45,000 years ago, not 450,000 years ago, aliens came to the earth and settled in East Asia and Northwestern Europe. They instituted traditions which were made mandatory within colonies they had built— colonies made up  of primitive Neanderthal societies.  Afterwards, they departed with the hope that the traditions would be upheld for a long time; long enough for a remarkable evolutionary progress to occur.
This is because these traditions are not superstitions, which  usually originates out of primitive thinking. Rather, they were clear instructions based on an advanced understanding of Evolutionary science that the Aliens had acquired over thousands of years of indepth studies of our common biological evolution.
These extraterrestrials evolved elsewhere in the multiverse, and they claimed that their species had evolved into intelligent beings billions of years ago, and they observed  the earth itself as it  evolved into existence. Today, we know that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Given that the age of the universe, not to talk of the multiverse, is about 13.7 billion years old, intelligent beings could have existed elsewhere in the multiverse billions of years before the earth itself evolved into what it is today. If there are extraterrestrial civilizations of billions of years old, then their sciences will be far more advanced than what humans have today—since humans emerged as intelligent species just 300,000 years ago.
Thus, evolution can be thought of as a subject common to both humans and extraterrestrials. And the evolution of hominids elsewhere in the multiverse became a subject of interests to these extraterrestrials.

The purpose for the traditions they introduced to the Neanderthals was to fast-track biological evolution amongst them.
It worked.
6,000 years later,  Homo sapiens began to appear amongst the Neanderthals. And within another 6000 years, Neanderthals had disappeared from the earth.
This is the untold story of the latter Homo sapiens, the latter modern humans.
The big question is: what is the nature of the scientific information that was transmitted to the Neanderthals as a body of traditions ?
We discovered that this body of traditions can be best described as Semitism. Semitism is the embodiment of the biological principles that was employed to fast-track human evolution by aliens in the past.
How Antisemitism Began.
There  came a time  when latter modern humans, a product of the evolution that was fast-tracked by the traditions, argued against the ancient practices. They complained that the traditions were too burdensome. They revolted against their leadership, and abandoned the traditions. These were the days of ancient Sumer, the earliest civilization in documented history. It flourished about 8,000 years ago in Asia. The story of the revolt was well preserved in Sumerian cuneiform texts and ancient drawings unearthed in recent times.
As migrations into and out of South America and Africa and Asia became the order of the day, interbreeding occurred between the early and the latter Homo sapiens. However, it is important to note that there were at least two distinct appearances of anatomically defined “modern humans” , or  Homo sapiens, and the evolutionary history of how the latter Homo sapiens emerged is not only very  fascinating but also very  relevant  for a better understanding of the subject of Evolution.
This means that, just like Homo sapiens, other organisms and their species must have evolved independently across the earth through several ancestors rather than one.  At face value, this may look quite insignificant. If we look deeper, it is not.
What does this really imply with respect to the nature of biological evolution?
Here is the logic or philosophy behind the debate:
Evolution is assumed to be a chaotic process. As a chaotic process, the outcome of evolution would be unpredictable and the process would be nondirectional with respect to the outcome. In other words, one cannot say if the outcome would be useful or useless, beneficial or non-beneficial, constructive or disruptive. Since the process has no direction, the outcome is a matter of chance. For such a chaotic process, there can exist no two almost the same outcome.
But the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens above shows that biological evolution is not a chaotic process. Rather, it is a mechanistic process that is inherently governed by principles or laws. For such processes, it can be inferred that  their outcomes are predictable,  at least to certain degrees. By studying the processes, we should be able to tell if the outcomes will be useful or useless, constructive or disruptive. This is because the  outcomes depend on certain principles or laws, as opposed to the notion of chance.
In other words, biological evolution does not arise out of chaos as most evolutionists assume it does. Rather, our evolutionary  history teaches us that it is a mechanistic process governed by certain principles; and its outcome, therefore,
(1.) is predictable at least to the degree of determining if it will be beneficial/non-beneficial; constructive/disruptive; useful/useless.
(2) can be delayed, fast-tracked or completely truncated under certain conditions that are determined by the species. Hence,  since these conditions lie within the control of the species, the species themselves determine the fate of their own evolution.

Judaism Is the Return of Semitism.
About 4,000 years ago, Abraham was born in Ur, one of the ancient city-states of Sumer. We can infer from his intent and actions that he was fully informed of the evolutionary history of his people. He planned that his offspring generations would constitute a new society elsewhere, where the abolished traditions would be reinstated. And so he migrated away from his place of origin to make that happen.
Many years later, extraterrestrials visited the earth again. This time, they contacted the Hebrews, descendants of Abraham. The reason is obvious: To strengthen the traditions already reinstated by Abraham, and transmitted as a body of oral instructions from one generation to another after Abraham. It constitutes what was later referred to as the Oral Torah by Jews, the descendants of Abraham; and we can see that it dates back to tens of thousands of years before Abraham was born.
Conclusion: What Judaism Really Means.
Judaism arose out of alien’s attempts to fast-track human evolution in prehistoric times. That simply means that Judaism is all about fast-tracking human evolution. In this light, basic Judaism (basic Jewish orthodox practices) suddenly makes so much sense. Judaism, as a religion, is the primitive interpretation  by humans of an advanced scientific information communicated to humanity by scientific-minded extraterrestrials long before the modern age of human breakthroughs in science.
Stripped of all religious paraphernalia, Judaism is solidly rooted in science. And the story above lays bare the origin and essence of Judaism. 
The Oral Torah is the embodiment of certain traditions that serves as a blueprint—a scientific framework designed to guide humanity toward higher levels of evolution

The True Definition Of Antisemitism.
Antisemitism is not just “hatred of the Jews”; Rather, it is both the “hatred and fear” of something  “that the Jews represent”. It involves a deep-seated, subconsciously rooted fear,  that is traceable back to thousands of generations.
What is this thing that the Jews represent?  It is the Oral Torah—a body of instructions concerning semitism—communicated by Abraham to his descendants, from one generation to another, as a kind of Oral tradition. [Genesis chapter 18 verse 19].
In summary, Judaism is more than a religion —it is the embodiment of an ancient mission to guide humanity forward. It is the return of Semitism—a commitment to evolution and progress.
We are glad to announce to the world that we have found what can be called the scientific basis of the Oral Torah.
Learn more about this research program [here].

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